"Do not heal for free, because the one who is treated for free sooner or later ceases to value his health, and the one who heals for free, sooner or later ceases to value the results of his work."

Private individuals

Thesis "-I file for divorce!" - what is it?
A threat of intentions or a step of despair, indicating acute problems in the family and the inability to resolve conflict situations out of court on their own, without involving lawyers, psychologists, experts, guardianship authorities, etc.


 When passing the test, choose a convenient way to answer: -YES- or -NO-; by points: 0-1-2-3-4-5; (in the test material, the partner is equated with the status of the spouse).

1. Normal emotional relationships ceased for more than a year.
2. Various attempts to restore / harmonize relations - to no avail (visiting a psychologist, explanations / conversations / negotiations - to no avail).
3. Between us, lost basic trust and respect (systematic deception partner, betrayal).
4. In relation to myself, I experience a manifestation of psychological pressure and physical aggression (threats, insults, physical violence (beatings)); negatively provocative behavior abuse and gaslighting.
5. Due to the behavior of the partner, I feel fear (panic attacks) for the fate of the child and my life.
6. I have already thought about divorce, I believe that if I analyze my resources in detail, I can make the right decision.
7. I believe that over time, I can build a new family.
8. Perhaps we are in a crisis state, but soon everything will stabilize.


Abuse  — this violence in the broadest sense, and the abuser is the person who commits this violence, and no matter how: physically, psychologically or financially. Abuse often lasts for years and that’s it this time the victim has to live by the rules invented by the rapist. Gaziting - a form of psychological violence, the main task of which is to make a person doubt the adequacy of their perception of the surrounding reality. Psychological manipulations designed to make the individual “defective,” abnormal.


  Objectively, independently, evaluate your situation without the participation of friends, friends and relatives, as honest as possible in front of you. Consciously, imagine by what scenario the further history of your life will develop. Keep in mind that your feelings and sufferings cannot be clearly measured either in time or in expenses, everything is conditional and relative. But in any case, the algorithm remains unchanged: it is initially necessary to realize that the process of divorce is inevitable; I further recommend visiting a specialist psychologist in order to evaluate your emotional resources; then decide on a lawyer, necessarily from the field of family law, and in the case of a difficult process, involve a lawyer.

According to the practice of interaction between a psychologist and a customer for a psychological study:

  1. The parties agree on the time, date and other conditions for the actual conduct of the study.
  2. The psychologist, within his competence, independently chooses the methods and methods of conducting psychological experiments. When working with a child, his age group and the degree of his (child) involvement in the game form of testing / interviewing.

Explanation of some mandatory techniques for minor PEI:

Questioning. Questionnaires and questionnaires are designed to obtain general information about the child, his life events, relationships with others. Due to age, questionnaires are used, as a rule, in work with parents who provide various information about the child, answering questions.

Conversation (interview). This is a fairly common method of studying the psychology of a preschooler, it is divided into standardized, free and clinical conversation. A standardized conversation is conducted on the basis of a predetermined plan of questions, a fixed number of questions and criteria for their analysis. In a free conversation, the researcher has only a general interview plan and he is free to change or add questions depending on the direction of the conversation and the child's answers. Closed questions may be used in the conversation, suggesting the answer “yes” or “no” (for example, “Do you like going to kindergarten?”) open-ended questions, the answer to which is not predefined ("What games do you like to play?"), and projective questions that allow you to simulate a situation or mentally identify with any hero ("What would you do if you became a real wizard?" )
